Crohn's disease
Crohn’s disease, also called regional enteritis, is a chronic transmural non-caseating often granulomatous IBD (Inflammatory bowel disease) involving any area of the gastrointestinal tract, mainly the ileum often colorectum. It arises from a complex interplay between both genetic predisposition and environmental influence. The mortality amongst patients with CD has been persistently higher than in the general population with a meta-analysis showing a pooled estimate for the standardized mortality ratio of 1.52.
Etiological factors:
- Altered diet and food allergy
- Immune dysfunction
- Increased autoantibodies
- Bacterial dysbiosis with aggressive T-cell immune response
- Genetic causes
- Smoking
- Environmental causes
- Psychosocial factors
Clinical features
1st stage:
- Mild diarrhea (without blood, pus, mucous)
- Colicky pain, Fever
- Tender firm non-mobile mass in Rt. iliac fossa
- Recurrent peri-anal abscess
- Aphthous ulcers
- 2nd stage:
- Intestinal obstruction
- Linear ulcer formation
- Cobblestone appearance of the mucosa
- Hose pipe pattern of the bowel wall
- 3rd stage:
- Fistula formation
- Often perforation
- Extra intestinal manifestations: –
- Erythema nodosum
- Pyoderma gangrenosum
- Iritis, Uveitis
- Arthritis, Ankylosing spondylitis, anemia
- DVT (Deep vein thrombosis)
Complications: –
- Intestinal obstruction and bleeding
- Carcinoma of the small and large bowel
- Fistula formation
- Peritonitis
Investigative techniques: –
- CT Scan & CT Fistulogram
- Colonoscopy & Biopsy
- Capsule endoscopy
- Serum markers test (ASCA, ANCA)
Line Of Management in Ayurveda
- According to Ayurveda, Crohn’s can be correlated to Grahani ‘Grahani’ in Ayurveda, is an anatomical term used to describe small intestines (specifically ileum & jejunum). Any vitiation or inflammation to this particular part by imbalanced doshas can cause a wide variety of symptoms similar to that of CD.
- As per Ayurveda Samhitas, the prime cause of graham disease is mandagni (poor appetite and digestion) irregular, improper, irrelevant, or Viruddhahara (incompatible food habits). Management involves internal medicines, a strict diet regime, and lifestyle modifications.
- Takra i.e. Buttermilk is said to be Pathya (Wholesome) in graham yoga.
- Aggravated Vata dosha is responsible for pulling down pitta from its seat in its territory, leading to colon inflammation and CD manifestation. Vatahara methods, medicines, and therapies shall be administered right from the beginning considering it to be a case of aasayapakarsha gati.
- Mrudu virechana, Vasti can be given aiming at
- Stress is a trigger for inflammatory bowel diseases. Relaxing therapies like Sirodhara and Sirovasti shall be done. These therapies also help eradicate dosha, thereby attaining equilibrium of harmony throughout the body.
Specific yogasana, pranayama, meditation, and deep relaxation techniques, help to arrest the progression of the disease
ayurvedic clinic for Crohn’s Disease in Dubai the one and only Ayursathya Ayurveda