chronic cervicitis
In chronic cervicitis, there is marked thickening of the cervical mucosa with underlying tissue edema. These thickened tissues tend to push out through the external os along the direction of least resistance. The entity is most marked where the cervix has already been lacerated. In such conditions, the longitudinal muscle fibers are free to act unopposed. As a result, the lips of the cervix curl upwards. Nowadays a number of females have developed cervicitis very fast and symptoms are vaginal white discharge with a foul smell and dyspareunia. This cervical erosion further leads to dyspareunia and then infertility also. There is no disease given in Ayurveda classics that can directly correlate with cervical erosion. But in some aspects of symptoms and signs, this can correlate with Karnini yonivyapad and hence treatment can be according to that. In this article case study of cervical erosion was described which was treated with Ayurvedic Sthanik chikitsa- Yonidhavan by Triphala and Daruharidra kwath, Apamarga kshar pratisaran and Jatyadi tail Pichu for 7 days for 3 conjugative cycles. With this combined therapy of Sthanik chikitsa cervical erosion has been completely cured. Hence clinical trials can be done on a large number of patients to see further results.
Sign and symptoms of chronic cervical Erosion
Woman with cervical erosion may present vaginal discharge (mucoid/ mucopurulent/ irritant/ offensive/ blood-stained), contact bleeding (during coitus/ defecation),infertility, vulvar pruritus, low back pain, dyspareunia, dysuria, nocturia, and pollakiuria
On per speculum examination, it is visible that a bright red area surrounding and extending beyond the external os in the ectocervix, clearly demarcated outer edge, lesion with smooth surface/ having papillary folds, and sometimes multiple oozing spots on rubbing with a gauze piece
Line Of Management in Ayurveda
Persistent erosion with troublesome discharge should be treated surgically by electrocautery, cryotherapy, CO2 laser vaporization, chemical cauterization, and conization. The resulting raw area takes 6-8 weeks to become covered with squamous epithelium. As coitus should be avoided until healing has taken place.
Modern treatment for cervical erosion is cauterization & cryosurgery which have their own complications like bleeding per vagina and infection, secondary infertility, stenosis, etc. That is why the traditional system of medicines is getting valued. In conclusion, bahiparimarjana chikitsa by
kshara facilitates enhanced drug effects for early and uncomplicated wound healing by this way,
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