RA,Pain,joint Pain,Handpain


Dr. Sathya’s Ayursathya Ayurveda clinic has gained a reputation as the best Ayurvedic clinic for arthritis treatment. Arthritis is a rheumatic condition that affects the joints and surrounding tissues. The most common form of arthritis is osteoarthritis, while other common conditions related to arthritis include gout, fibromyalgia, and rheumatoid arthritis (RA).

People with rheumatic conditions tend to experience pain, stiffness, aching, and swelling in and around their joints. These symptoms can develop suddenly or gradually. Certain rheumatic conditions can also affect the immune system and various internal organs, leading to widespread symptoms. Some forms of arthritis, like rheumatoid arthritis and lupus (SLE), can impact multiple organs, causing significant discomfort.

While arthritis is more common in older adults, it can affect individuals of all ages, including children. Ayursathya Ayurveda clinic, headed by Dr. Sathya, offers the best treatment for arthritis using Ayurvedic principles. They provide personalized treatment plans that focus on natural remedies and lifestyle changes to alleviate pain and improve joint mobility. Patients receive individual attention and care from skilled Ayurvedic practitioners, ensuring the best possible outcomes.

Various Arthritis Conditions

  • Osteoarthritis.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Childhood arthritis.
  • Spondyloarthropathies.
  • Lupus erythematosus.
  • Gout.


The condition similar to Osteoarthritis has been described as ‘Sandhigatavata’ in Ayurveda, in which the vitiated Vata afflicts the joints and causes destruction of the cartilages and reduction in the Synovial Fluid inside the joint capsule, leading to swelling which results into painful movement. Ayurveda has focused not only on structural western diagnosis, but it also considers the causative factors like physiological, metabolic, excretory, and mental functions, lifestyle, food habits, and other factors which leads to the formation and progress of OA. Ayurveda’s goal of Osteoarthritis treatment is not only to control symptoms but also to prevent disease progression, minimize disability, improve the quality of life, and also to set right the above-said causative factors which lead to the formation of OA. For Osteoarthritis, Ayurveda has broad spread treatments based on severity and stages of the disease from mild to severe.
In general, the treatment can be classified into the following types
Ayurveda has various treatment modalities in treating OA. The type of treatment and its duration depends purely on the basis of the severity of the disease.
Ayurveda Panchakarma treatments make surrounding tissue strong. That is muscles, ligaments and tendons that are responsible for joint stability. Recuperation of surrounding tissue of the joint helps to prevent or heal Osteoarthritis. Following are the multimodal Ayurveda treatments to treat OA
Abhyanga (oleation therapy) with medicated oils
Svedana Modalities like
Bashpasvedana (fomentation therapy with evaporation).
Patrapinda sveda (fomentation therapy with a bolus of various medicinal herbs)
Shasitka Shali Pinda (fomentation therapy with Herbal rice along with various medicinal herbs)
UpanahaSweda (fomentation therapy with application of Herbal paste)
Janu Basti– treatment for OA in the Knee joint.
Bahu Basti– treatment for OA in the Shoulder joint.
Greeva Basti– treatment for OA in the cervical area.
Lepa-application various herbs and their extracts to reduce pain and its inflammation.
Ayurveda Panchakarma (bio-purification) therapies like Virechana Various types of Basti, Nasya etc plays important role in treating OA.
Rasayana (immunomodulatory and facilitating regeneration) therapies have remarkable biological effects especially anti-inflammatory and immune-modulatory activities that are relevant and potentially useful to the treatment of OA.
Internal medications
Ayurveda internal medications in the form of tablets, capsules, Decoctions, Powders etc helps to treat OA.
OA due to other primary factors
Factors like obesity, Rheumatoid arthritis etc. are more likely to develop osteoarthritis. In such cases, treatments will be planned to treat primary conditions along with osteoarthritis treatment.
Diet and lifestyle modifications
Based on individual and disease-specific gives better results in treating osteoarthritis


Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune inflammatory joint disorder. In classical Ayurvedic texts, the features of Rheumatoid arthritis mostly resemble the disease ‘AMA VATA’. Improper dietary habits, stress factors, genetic predisposition, etc. factors cause disturbances in one’s own immune system, and the immune system destroys the synovial joints mostly the smaller joints in the body like joints of fingers, ankle joints, shoulder joints, wrist joints, etc.

Features of Rheumatoid arthritis:

  • Stiffness of the joint in morning hours
  • Pain in multiple small joints
  • Swelling of the affected joint
  • Redness at the site of inflammation of joint Rheumatoid arthritis in Ayurveda:

All the features of Rheumatoid arthritis can be well correlated to a disease mentioned in ayurvedic texts as AMA VATA. The word ‘AMA means according to the texts of Ayurveda all these toxins are produced within the body mainly from the improperly digested food materials due to poor digestive fire in one’s own body. The toxins in long run slowly tend to mix with the slimy content of the body called ama, Kapha together vitiates the dominant dosha of bone tissue All three combined get deposited at joints and manifest into Amavata causing shoola (pain at the affected joint), shotha (swelling), stabdatha (stiffness of joints), and Gourava (heaviness of body), Agnimandhya (low digestive fire).

Benefits of switching to Ayurvedic treatment:

Ayurvedic treatment helps in curing the disease right at the root level by acting at the very basic level of disease manifestation and eliminating the toxins from the body without any adverse effects.

One-stop solution for Rheumatoid arthritis at Ayursathya Ayurveda:

Ayursathya Ayurveda gives a perfect Ayurvedic holistic approach to treating the disease with perfect guidelines for lifestyle modifications under the expertise of an Ayurvedic medical practitioner. The basic level of treatment will be planned with every detail of the individual, right from assessment of Prakriti (body constitution), Nadi (pulse diagnosis), Mala (bowel movements), Agni (digestive fire), Satwa (mental health),Sahara-vihara (diet and lifestyle), etc. All the assessments and examinations will pave the way for treatment plans by Pinda Sweda (pouch massage), Ama pachanga (elimination of toxins) with detox plans, and improving digestive fire by herbs Depending on the chronicity of Rheumatoid arthritis. Light and easily digestible food having a high content of fiber and protein are recommended as a part of daily routine food. Ginger, cumin seeds, fennel seeds, honey, pepper, and cinnamon are best to stop relapsing symptoms and keeps the gut healthy too.


Spondyloarthropathies are forms of arthritis that usually strike the bones in your spine and nearby joints. They can cause pain and sometimes damage joints like your backbone, shoulders, and hips. Arthritis causes inflammation (swelling, redness, and pain) in your body’s joints. It’s common in people as they get older. Spondyloarthropathies cause arthritis at the points where your bones connect to soft tissues like ligaments and where tendons connect to bones and muscles.

Lupus erythematosus.

In Ayurveda, lupus is a chronic disease that influences the joints and muscles and reduces immunity. With low immunity, the environmental triggers may start to attack the cells and tissues in the body. When this happens, the body cannot fight against infections that put you at risk of autoimmune disorder.As per Ayurveda, the dhatus (tissues) and channels (srotas) of the body when intoxicated may result in the Ama buildup which results in many life-threatening conditions. So, the aim of ayurvedic medicine is to ensure that the body is rid of toxins. There are procedures and therapies to help you with it, such as Panchakarma followed by oral administration of medicines to get the most out of ayurvedic treatment. Along the line, immunity is restored, so that body’s self-healing mechanism works and you are able to fight off disease.

At  Ayursathya, we offer holistic treatment for systemic lupus erythematosus, Anaemia which only includes ayurvedic preparations. Rest assured, our ayurvedic treatment is completely authentic and natural for use.


Ayurvedic Treatment For Gout
The term “Gout” is a derivation from the Latin word “gutta” which means “a drop” indicating the large lump of urate crystals or deposits. Gout has caused suffering in countless humans since the days of Hippocrates or even before and therefore is often studied by physicians.


Gout is a unique type of arthritis that causes severe pain and swelling in almost all the joints but it most commonly affects the big toe (approx 75 % of first attacks). It may also affect the heel, ankle, wrist or elbow. Gout usually appears suddenly and stays for around 5-10 days and can keep on recurring. It is different from all other types of arthritis because it occurs when there are high levels of uric acid circulating in the blood, which can cause urate crystals to settle in the tissues of the joints. Gout is more common in overweight people and the risk of developing the disorder increases with higher body weights.


In the present era due to rapid modernisation in developing countries like India has given rise to an increase in the number of joint disorders because of the culture of fast food, sedentary changes in lifestyle etc.

Diet, lifestyle, and environment are multiple causes that cause derangement of function within the body thus resulting in a disease manifest in a gradual way. In the initial stage, there may be an absence of the symptoms but in the later stage, there may be complex manifestations involving more than one joint.

Excess consumption of salty food, sour food, pungent food, alkaline food, unctuous or oily food, hot food, consumption of food in presence of indigestion, moist food, dry foods, the meat of aquatic animals, the meat of animals living in marshy areas, radish, horse gram, flat beans, green leafy vegetables, dry meat, curds, buttermilk, mutually incompatible food, excessive intake of food, anger, a regular habit of the day sleeping, a regular habit of night awakening, wrong choices of food, erratic lifestyle practices and obesity are the causative factors of Vatarakta.


In the human body and components of DNA, Purine is one of the nitrogen bases. The enzyme Xanthine Oxidase converts this purine and uric acid, which is usually eliminated through urination daily. Due to improper metabolism or reduced renal function, there is excessive deposition of uric acid in the body will lead to gouty arthritis. Intake of food rich in purine food and alcohol, suffering from obesity, hypertension with a positive family history are some of the reasons for improper metabolism.

Vatarakta (Gout) is a disorder that disturbs the day-to-day life of the patients where pain is a predominant symptom. Vatarakta is caused by vitiation of Vata(air and space) and Rakta (Blood). Aggravated Vata is blocked by vitiated Rakta, which further leads to the aggravation of Vata. This aggravated Vata, in turn, vitiates the Rakta leading to a condition called Vatarakta. The vitiated Rakta gravitates and finally accumulates in the feet. In the initial stage, the hands and feet are usually affected. The illness then further spreads all over the body just like rat poison. Due to the nature of fluidity, mobility and subtle nature of Vata and Rakta, it moves all over the body. While moving through the blood vessels, they get obstructed in the joints which further aggravates leading the morbid matter to get lodged.


Gout presents with sudden, unexpected, excruciating pain along with burning, swelling, redness, warmth and stiffness in the joint. Low-grade fever may also be present. There are usually two sources of pain. Whenever the affected area is moved, the crystals inside the joint cause intense pain and the inflammation of the tissues around the joint also causes the skin to get swollen, tender and sore if it is even slightly touched.


Acharya Charka describes it to be of two types i.e Uttana (superficial) or Gambhira (deep-seated). Uttana Vatarakta presents with itching, burning, ache, pain on extension, pricking pain, throbbing pain, and contraction, and is associated with brownish-black, red or coppery discoloration of Skin. Gambhira Vatarakta presents with edema, stiffness, hardness, excruciating pain in the interior of the body, blackish brown, coppery discoloration of the skin, burning sensation, pricking pain, twitching sensation, and suppuration of joints.


In Ayurveda a detailed description of Vatarakta chikitsa is discussed in all texts along with lines of treatment, being Shodhana (internal purification), Shaman (palliative medicine) and Bahyachikitsa (external treatments on body). which is a very effective treatment and is eventually the need of the hour.

Ayursathya ayurveda focuses on the classical Ayurveda treatments of vatarakta like Raktamokshana (bloodletting), Snehana (oleation) followed by Virechana (induced purgation), Basti (medicated enemas) and rejuvenating therapies.

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